A member will be considered eligible for a TSGLI benefit for inability to perform ADL due to traumatic injury if:
The member is... | and the member's inability lasts for... |
unable to independently perform* at least two of six ADL (bathing, continence, dressing, eating, toileting and transferring) |
at least 30 consecutive days. |
* The member is considered unable to perform an activity independently if he or she REQUIRES assistance to perform the activity.
REQUIRES assistance is defined as:
Without this physical, stand-by, or verbal assistance, the member would be incapable of performing the task.
Accommodating Equipment - If the patient is able to perform the activity by using accommodating equipment, such as a cane, walker, commode, etc.), the patient is considered able to independently perform the activity.
Reviewed/Updated Date: May 4th, 2012