A member will be considered eligible for a TSGLI benefit for coma if:
The member is in a coma with... | that lasts for... |
Brain injury measured at a Glasgow Coma Score of 8 or less |
At least 15 consecutive days. |
A member will be considered eligible for a TSGLI benefit for inability to perform ADL due to traumatic brain injury if:
The member is... | and the member's inability lasts for... |
Unable to independently perform* at least two of six ADL** (bathing, continence, dressing, eating, toileting and transferring) |
at least 15 consecutive days. |
* The member is considered unable to perform an activity independently if he or she REQUIRES assistance to perform the activity.
REQUIRES assistance is defined as:
Without this physical, stand-by, or verbal assistance, the member would be incapable of performing the task.
Adaptive Behavior - If the patient is able to perform the activity by using adaptive behavior, the patient is considered able to independently perform the activity. Adaptive behavior is compensating skills, taught by a medical professional or learned on one’s own, that allow the member to perform ADL without physical, stand-by, or verbal assistance.
Accommodating Equipment - If the patient is able to perform the activity by using accommodating equipment, the patient is considered able to independently perform the activity. Accommodating equipment are tools or supplies that enable the member to perform ADL without physical, stand-by, or verbal assistance and include but are not limited to:
**To obtain more information on the requirements for each ADL, view our TSGLI Activities of Daily Living training module.
Reviewed/Updated Date: April 14, 2023