United States Department of Veterans Affairs

TSGLI Loss Standards

4 - 7. Paralysis

When a member is paralyzed, the member is eligible for a TSGLI benefit for paralysis if his/her loss meets the following standard:

If the member suffers... AND paralysis fall into one of these four categories...

Complete and irreversible paralysis due to damage to the spinal cord or associated nerves, or to the brain.

Quadriplegia -
paralysis of all four limbs*

Paraplegia -
paralysis of both lower limbs*

Hemiplegia -
paralysis of the upper and lower limbs* on one side of the body

Uniplegia -
paralysis of one limb*

* A limb is defined as an arm or a leg with all its parts.

Reviewed/Updated Date: April 14, 2023