United States Department of Veterans Affairs

TSGLI Loss Standards

8. Burns

When a member suffers burns, the member is eligible for a TSGLI benefit for burns if the member meets one of the following two standards:

If the member suffers... Located on...

Partial thickness or worse burns

20% of the body including the face and head

Partial thickness or worse burns

20% of the face only

Partial thickness or worse burns that require grafting

20% of the face, hands, feet, genitalia, perineum, or other major joints*

Full thickness burns

20% of the body, including the face and head

Full thickness burns

20% of the face only

*Major Joints are ankles, knees, hips, wrists, elbows, and shoulders

Note: Percentage may be measured using the Rule of Nines or any other acceptable alternative.

Reviewed/Updated Date: April 14, 2023