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Education and Training

May Education Office Hours

DGIB Updates (Enrollment Manager)
Rollback of COVID Provisions
Section 1010 & Remote Act's Impact on Flat Rate Facilities

SCO Resources - Sunset of Internet Explorer

DGIB Updates (Enrollment Manager)


Edge is now the browser of choice for VA-ONCE; however, what will it be after transition to the DGIB?


Edge and Chrome will both be available to use as browsers.


When will Enrollment Manager be released? When will new system be up and running?  When will the new certification system replacing VA-Once be available to use?


We hope to have Enrollment Manager go live in the Fall of 2022.


Will the data currently in VA-ONCE be available in the new Enrollment Manager system?

The information will be migrated to the new system?


Yes, the plan is for the information to be migrated to the new system.


I thought that we were going to be switching out of VAONCE, when should we receive any type of training/email regarding this?  When will we be able to begin training on new certification system for upcoming Fall semester?  Have dates been determined for training on Enrollment Manager, the replacement for VAOnce?  When will an Enrollment Manager training module be on the SCO training modules?  Will we have access to an Enrollment Manager guide like the previous VA ONCE ones? When will training for the new system take place?  Is there any update on when we can see, practice, or get more information about the new Digital VA system taking the place of VA Once?


VA will begin training for Enrollment Manager in the next couple of months; we hope to provide an overview of Enrollment Manager at the WAVES and AVECO conferences.


I know is currently planned to be used for Enrollment Manager is this final or is that requirement being reviewed?

Answer: is what Enrollment Manager plans to use.


Enrollment manager is replacing VA-ONCE? 




Will correspondence training also be able to be certified via Enrollment Manager?


This training type will not be supported initially.


Will the Digital GI Bill interface for SCOs be better equipped for students using MGIB Top-Up? (Will there be a box to check, or will we still have to add a clunky remark each time?)


We have added a selectable remark for Tuition Assistance Top Up. You will enter the remaining out of pocket expenses in the T&F field and then select the Remark.


Will SCOs be able to view all veterans who have applied for federal GI Bill benefits and have indicated they will attend their school in a list? Accessing that data via a list based on who have indicated they plan to attend our institutions will go a long way in bridging the gap between when veterans apply for GI Bill with VA and when they contact the SCO. Waiting to see individual data after they are entered into this new system is too late to help many veterans.


This functionality will not be available.


Will SCO’s be able to send in bulk certifications in “Enrollment Manager” or will it continue to be a one by one process? Bulk uploads will streamline the certification process and will help eliminate data entry errors when transferring data between systems manually. 


For the initial release certifications will continue to be done one student at a time.


Is there going to be an overlap of Enrollment Manager implementation and VA-ONCE or will VA-ONCE be discontinued on the same day Enrollment Manager is initiated? 


There will not be an overlap period. The plan is to stop using one and start using the other.


When will VA-ONCE sunset?  


Once Enrollment Manager is operational.


With the new system for certifying, replacing VA-ONCE, will there be any reduction in printed / hard copies that we will need to keep in the students' VA files?


There will be no change to reporting requirements, or what is needed for compliance surveys.


Are students able to text the 44354 number to initially opt into the monthly enrollment verification text message?


New enrollees will be able to opt into monthly enrollment verification by responding “Yes” to the initial opt-in message they receive from the 44354 number. If they do not respond within 14 days or reply “No,” students will automatically be enrolled in email verification. If a student wants to enroll in text verification after this opt-in period, they will need to call the Education Call Center at 1-888-442-4551 to change their opt-in method. Find more FAQS here on the Enrollment Verification website.


What is the status of DGIB rollout?


The Digital GI Bill modernization effort will be made up of multiple incremental releases. The initial DGIB releases have set up Education Service’s IT systems for continued modernization to include the go-live of a streamlined and improved student application process which contribute to direct, online, one-stop access to education benefit resources. Through the DGIB modernization effort, VA will also roll out an improved user interface, Enrollment Manger, to replace VA-ONCE for SCOs, and more. Development of these systems is underway and more information on when they will go live is coming soon.

Rollback of COVID Provisions


Regarding Rollback of COVID - Will VA review certifications previously submitted and identify which ones need to be recertified or is this solely the responsibility of the SCOs?


SCOs should not rely on VA to notify them of their effected certifications. It is the school’s responsibility to be aware of certifications that included converted courses. Additionally, if the COVID remark was inadvertently left off the initial certification the SCO is still required to submit the adjusted certification.


If a class runs from May 15-May 27, 2022 and is taken online do due to COVID do we certify as remote and add notes or just certify as in person? If we certify  as remote what notes do we add?


Converted courses that began before June 1, 2022, should be certified as resident in VA-ONCE.  The SCO should choose the Standard VBA Remark “COVID-19 Residence Courses Taken Online”.  Please see the original COVID-19 FAQs on the GI Bill® website for additional instructions. 

As the certified period ending May 27, 2022, does not span June 1, 2022, the subsequent adjusted certification is not required.


If I already certified students for classes starting in May do I have to go in and change the VA Cert Covid remark because it ends June 1 st?


If the term or period certified that included converted courses ends on June 1, 2022, you do not need to submit the adjusted certification because the term does not span June 1, 2022. 

If the term or period certified that included converted courses ends after June 1, 2022, you must follow the procedures provided in the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website for your school and program type. These directions must also be followed if the certification included converted courses but the “COVID-19 Residence Courses Taken Online” remark was inadvertently not included on the initial certification.


We are an IHL. We already certified in May and indicated which ones are resident and which ones are remote/online. We also put the comment - Covid19 Residence Courses Taken Online. Based on this training, we would need to modify the certification, we choose OTHER, enter 6/1/2022 as the LDA/EFF date and enter Converted Courses Spanning 6/1/2022. Is this correct?


If only resident and distance credits were certified (i.e., no remedial/deficiency credits or clock hours were certified) you will:

  • Adjust the certification and choose “other” for the adjustment reason
  • Enter the actual type hours the student is enrolled in (i.e., resident and/or distance)
  • Enter 6/1/22, in the LDA/EFF date box and
  • Choose the standard VBA remark “Converted courses spanning 6/1/22.”

If the certification included any remedial/deficiency or clock hour courses please refer to the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website for instructions on how to adjust the certification.


Hello, we started certifying for summer 2022 and did not use the "Converted courses spanning 6/1/22” remark.  Do we need to resubmit the certification? 


If the term spans June 1, 2022, but the “COVID-19 Residence Courses Taken Online” remark was inadvertently not included on the initial certification, you must still follow the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website to adjust any certifications that included converted courses.


After we terminate the certification effective June 1st do we turn around and certify the enrollment as distance hours?


The only reason an SCO should terminate the certification is if the school or program is NOT approved for online training by the State Approving Agency (SAA). This typically applies to NCD schools, foreign institutions, and certain non-accredited degree programs. These courses were only allowed to be certified due to the COVID-19 provisions that ended on June 1, 2022

  • If you are unsure if your school or program is approved for online training you should reach out to the SAA for verification prior to taking any action in VA-ONCE.
  • If your school or program is approved by the SAA for online training, please refer to the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website for how to properly adjust the certification.
  • If your school or program is NOT approved by the SAA for online training and the program is still being taught online after June 1, 2022, your VA students are only eligible for VA educational assistance through the end of the period certified or through June 30, 2022, whichever occurs first
  • You will terminate the certification (regardless of chapter) and you will not recertify, as VA students are no longer eligible to receive VA educational assistance for your program.
  • Please see the updated COVID-19 FAQs on the GI Bill® website for specific termination instructions.
  • You should also reach out to your State Approving Agency as the program is no longer approvable if it continues to be taught in an online modality.


For NCD, do we have to terminate a VA certification if the student remains online and the institution is approved for both resident and online?


No, you will not terminate the certification if the State Approving Agency has approved your school or program for online training.  Please note, most NCD schools are not approved for online training and if you are unsure if your school or program is approved for online training you should reach out to your State Approving Agency for verification.

If your program is approved for online training and you have certified converted courses during a term that spans June 1, 2022, you should follow the updated IHL FAQs on the GI Bill® website to properly adjust the certification.


I am a new SCO. I don't understand the comment about one residency course being enough for residency tuition after June 1, 2022. If a student is taking one residency course (3 credits)  and the others as on-line courses (like 6 credits), how should this be entered? Res- 3, Dis- 6? or Res- 9, Dis- 0.


If a VA student is enrolled in at least one resident (in-person) course during the term they are entitled to the higher resident (in-person) monthly housing rate (MHA) even if all other courses that term are taken online. Additionally, hybrid courses are certified as resident as long as the course meets at least one time in-person on campus during the term. These are normal pre-COVID certification procedures and were not a part of the COVID-19 provisions that ended on June 1, 2022. Please note, the amount of MHA payable is affected by the training modality but tuition and fees are not. 

For a term that starts before June 1, 2022: If you have a course that was converted to online training due to COVID-19 you should certify the course as resident in VA-ONCE and include the Standard VBA Remark “COVID-19 Residence Courses Taken Online”.  If the course was not converted to online training due to COVID-19 and is just an online course then it should be certified as distance in VA-ONCE. If you are unsure what constitutes a converted course please see the original FAQs on the GI Bill® website.

For a term that starts after June 1, 2022: You should certify all credits in the modality that the student is actually attending (i.e., resident or distance).


After June 1st, for MHA to continue to be received for students taking online courses, they will need to be enrolled in at least 1 RES course, correct?  For students who are 100% enrolled in online/DIS courses, will they continue to receive eligible tuition and fees?


No, that is not correct and the answer varies depending on how your school is approved by the State Approving Agency (SAA).

If your school or program IS approved by the SAA for online training the following applies:

  • If the student is training solely online after June 1, 2022, their MHA will be reduced to the online rate, which is ½ the national average.
  • If the student is enrolled in at least one resident (in-person) course during a term they are entitled to the higher resident MHA rate.
  • Training modality does not affect the amount of tuition and fees payable.

If your school or program is NOT approved for online training the following applies:

  • If the enrollment period began before June 1, 2022, and the program is still being taught online after June 1, 2022, your VA students are only eligible for VA educational assistance through the end of the period certified or through June 30, 2022, whichever occurs first. 
  • After the end of the period certified or June 30, 2022, (whichever comes first) VA educational assistance will no longer be payable for any VA student regardless of the chapter they are using.
  • A prorated school tuition and fee debt for the remaining enrollment period will be created for Chapter 33 and students.
  • No further certifications can be submitted for any VA student.
  • If the enrollment period began after June 1, 2022, and the program is still being taught online none of your VA students can be certified as the program is not being taught in an approved modality.
  • You should also reach out to your State Approving Agency as the program is no longer approvable if it continues to be taught in an online modality.


We have been approved for blended online programs since July of 2020 so all VA students who are certified now are approved in the blended program. I want to be sure we do not have to terminate their certifications on June 1st. This was confusing so I want to be sure what we do.


The only reason an SCO should terminate the certification is if the school or program is NOT approved for online training by the State Approving Agency (SAA). In this situation the online courses were only allowed to be certified because of the COVID-19 provisions that ended on June 1, 2022

If your school or program is approved by the SAA for online training, please refer to the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website for how to properly adjust the certification for a term or enrollment period spanning June 1, 2022, that included converted courses.


Rollback of COVID Certifications- Does it apply to VRRAP students as well?


Yes, the COVID-19 provisions and the sunsetting of those provisions applies to VRRAP students.


To be fair, why wasn't the covid provisions implemented with the start of the Fall 2022 semester? Everything is always so inconvenient for the sco's who wears multiple hats and are also short-handed. I have no idea how this will be accomplished along with all of the other requirements.


Public Law (P.L.) 117-76 or the Responsible Education Mitigating Options and Technical Extensions (REMOTE) Act, extended the covered period for COVID-19 protected period from December 21, 2021, to June 1, 2022.  Please understand that the Department of Veterans Affairs does not write the legislation but is required to implement the legislation as written.  


The requirement to make corrections to the Summer certifications if the term spans 01-June date is this just for schools who are NOT approved for online classes?  Or for all schools? 


This is a requirement for any school that has certified a student in a converted course during a term or enrollment period that spans June 1, 2022.  Please see the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website for instructions on how to adjust the certifications for each type of school and program.


When certifying Ch 33 students who attend at least one standard in-residence course during a term, but that in-residence course is away from the student's home location (zip code), is the student's certificaton according to the students home location, or according to the actual location where the class was taken?


CH33 students must be certified based on where they physically attend a course. If a student attends classes in more than one location they will be paid the MHA rate based on where they physically attend the majority of their classes.

If the student is attending a course at an approved extension or branch campus that has its own VA facility code you certify the course under that applicable extension or branch facility code. 

Example: During the spring term a student attends 9 credits at main campus and 3 credits at an approved extension campus that has its own VA Facility Code. The SCO will certify 9 credits under the main campus facility code and 3 credits under the extension campus facility code. The student will be paid the MHA for main campus, as that is where the student is attending the majority of their classes.  Note: If the student is taking an equal number of credits at each location VA will pay the higher MHA rate.


We no longer do asynchronous online courses. We do live Zoom and record the class period for later viewing if missed. Is Live Zoom considered Distant or Resident? We have military grad students in different states zooming in live.


For VA purposes distance learning is training which uses one or more technologies to deliver instruction to students who are separated from the instructor.  Asynchronous training is always distance learning for VA purposes.

Synchronous learning may be considered resident or distance depending on how the training is delivered:

  • Training taken by a student when the student is not located in a classroom is distance learning for VA purposes whether it is delivered synchronously or asynchronously.
  • Training taken through CCTV or other similar platforms where the instructor is not present in the classroom, but the students are together in a classroom (with attendance taken) and where there is live two-way interaction between the instructor and students is considered resident training for VA purposes.
  • If your school is approved for online and distance training, hybrid training is considered resident training for VA purposes if at least one in-person standard class session is held on campus (with attendance taken) during the term. If the one on campus class session is taken through CCTV (or other similar platform) and meets the other requirements above it satisfies the requirement for the one in-person class session to be certified as resident.

If your students are attending the course from anywhere other than in a classroom on camps with other students (with attendance taken) the course must be certified to VA as distance training for terms beginning after June 1, 2022. 


For those courses spanning June 1, do we only have to correct certifications where the COVID taken online remark?


You must adjust any certification where converted courses were certified and the term or enrollment period certified spans June 1, 2022.  If the COVID-19 remark was inadvertently left off the initial certification but converted courses were certified you are still required to submit the adjusted or terminated certification, as applicable. Please see the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website for specific instructions on how to adjust the certifications for each type of school and program.


What's a "Converted COVID" class?


Please ensure you review all the COVID-19 FAQs on the GI Bill® website to include the initial set of FAQs.

The original COVID-19 FAQs provide:

A "converted course" is defined as a course that a school previously offered as resident (in-person) training prior to March 1, 2020, but was later offered as online training due to COVID-19. To qualify as a converted course, the course must have been in program approved by the State Approving Agency (SAA) prior to March 1, 2020. 


Our Summer schedule goes through June 29, 2022- to be clear will I have to recert all of those certs that were already submitted and add the June 1st clause?


You must adjust or terminate (as applicable) any certification where converted courses were certified and the term or enrollment period certified spans June 1, 2022.  What you will submit (adjustment or termination) varies depending on if your school or program is approved for online training by the State Approving Agency.  Please see the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website for specific instructions for your school and program type.


What is the plan for certifications already submitted that cover the June 1 end date if the certifications were submitted with the COVID process?


You must adjust or terminate (as applicable) any certification that included converted courses where the term or enrollment period certified spans June 1, 2022.  What you will submit (adjustment or termination) varies depending on if your school or program is approved for online training by the State Approving Agency.  Please see the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website for specific instructions for your school and program type.


Can an NCD facility apply for a waiver to continue offering online courses to participants that do not live near the school?


If your school is not approved by the State Approving Agency to offer online training there is no waiver process for your students to continue receiving VA educational assistance if the program has not returned to fully resident (in-person) training by June 1, 2022.

If your school or program is not approved for online training you must follow the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website to terminate any enrollment certification that ends after June 1, 2022, if the program has not returned to fully resident (in-person) training by that date. Certifications for enrollment periods beginning after June 1, 2022, cannot be submitted if the school or program is not approved for online training. NOTE: If your school or program are not approved for online training this applies to all VA students, not just Chapter 33,


If I do not need to do any amendments or adjustments to my summer VA certs, will it be an audit finding if I only submit ONE certification?


If your summer term spans June 1, 2022, and it included any converted courses an adjusted certification is required for compliance survey purposes. Please note, the adjusted certification is required even if rate of pursuit will not be affected.

You must also ensure that you are complying with Section 1010 dual certification requirements.  If the adjusted COVID-19 certification is submitted after drop/add (or no less than 30 but no more than 60 days from the term start date if there is no drop/add period) the adjusted certification will also satisfy Section 1010 requirements.


For clarification... We need to resubmit all of our certifications for our CH33 students with the changes since our term is ending in the middle of June correct?


You must adjust or terminate (as applicable) any certification where converted courses were certified and the term or enrollment period certified spans June 1, 2022.  What you will submit (adjustment or termination) varies depending on if your school or program is approved for online training by the State Approving Agency. Please see the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website for specific instructions for your school and program type.


If GI-Bill students are terminated on June 1st, do they lose/have to repay anything?


The only reason an SCO should terminate the certification is if the school or program is NOT approved for online training by the State Approving Agency (SAA).  This typically applies to NCD schools, foreign institutions, and certain non-accredited degree programs. These programs were only allowed to be certified because of the COVID-19 provisions that ended on June 1, 2022

  • If your school or program is NOT approved by the SAA for online training and the program is still being taught online after June 1, 2022:
  • Your VA students are only eligible for VA educational assistance through the end of the period certified or through June 30, 2022, whichever occurs first
  • After the end of the period certified or June 30, 2022, (whichever comes first) the monthly payment to the student will no longer be payable for any VA student regardless of the chapter they are using.
  • For Chapter 33 students: A prorated tuition and fee debt for the remaining enrollment period will be created on the school.
  • If the enrollment period began after June 1, 2022, and the program is still being taught online none of your VA students can be certified as the program is not being taught in an approved modality.
  • You should also reach out to your State Approving Agency as the program is no longer approvable if it continues to be taught in an online modality.
  • If your school or program IS approved by the SAA for online training, please refer to the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website for how to properly adjust the certification.
  • If you are unsure if your school or program is approved for online training you should reach out to the SAA for verification prior to taking any action in VA-ONCE.


What is the deadline for submitting all the adjustments for the terms spanning the covid-19 expiration date?


While there is no deadline, other than the normal 30-day requirement to report changes, timely corrected COVID-19 certifications will assist with payment processing accuracy and reduce overpayments. To avoid debts, SCOs should strive to have COVID-19 related adjustments submitted before the end of June so June payments for MHA are correct.


I didn't understand the comment about one residency course counting for the residency rate. Example: if  a student is registered for 3 residency courses and 6 distant learning courses for the Summer Session (example- 3-Res, 6- Dis), do I enter it that way and do they then get the residency rate for all the courses?


If a VA student is enrolled in at least one resident (in-person) course during a term they are entitled to the higher resident monthly housing rate (MHA) even if all other courses that term are taken online. Additionally, hybrid courses are certified as resident as long as the course meets at least one time in-person on campus during the term. These are normal pre-COVID certification procedures and were not a part of the COVID-19 provisions that ended on June 1, 2022.

For a term that starts before June 1, 2022: A course that was converted to online training due to COVID-19 should be certified as resident in VA-ONCE and the Standard VBA Remark “COVID-19 Residence Courses Taken Online” should be included.  If the course was not converted to online training due to COVID-19 and is just an online course then it should be certified as distance in VA-ONCE. If you are unsure what constitutes a converted course please see the original FAQs on the GI Bill® website.

For a term that starts after June 1, 2022: You should certify all credits in the modality that the student is actually attending (i.e., resident or distance).


Scenario:  Student was already certified with 1, 3 credit In-Residence course and 1, 3 credit Distance course for a semester that spans June 1st.  The ‘Covid residence course taken online” remark was NOT entered at that time because they are taking the 1 in residence course which would allow them to receive their full BAH whether taking an online course or not. Do we still have to go into VAOnce and adjust the certification with the June 1st LDA and remark?

Is the bottom bubble on the powerpoint - Rollback of Covid Certification -  referring to this scenario or a different one?


If the term or enrollment period certified spans June 1, 2022, and includes a converted course the adjustment must be submitted for compliance survey purposes even if the student’s MHA will not be affected.

If the 3 resident credits certified were for a converted course you must adjust the certification to report 6 distance credits and choose the standard VBA remark “Converted courses spanning 6/1/22, as per the instructions in the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website. 

Conversely, if the 3 resident credits certified are actual resident (in-person) credits you do not need to submit an adjustment as there were no converted courses and you have already certified the student in the modality they are actually attending.

The bubble is referring to certifications that did not have the “Covid residence course taken online” remark because there were no converted courses certified for that term.


In reference to 'Online Training Approval". We the SAA approve school for Distance Education and Independent Study. Can you please define "Online Training Approval" Need to know what if a school is approved for only one or the others.


This is referring to a school or program that the State Approving Agency has approved for online training/distance education. Typically, NCD schools, foreign institutions and certain non-accredited degree programs cannot be approved for online training/distance education. These courses were only able to be certified because of the COVID-19 provisions that ended on June 1, 2022

Please reach out to your leadership if you do not know what constitutes online/distance training vs independent study.


Are converted COVID courses converted to be online for COVID considerations only? Meaning if we now have online course offerings just to offer online courses but we went back to in person over a year ago, those would not qualify for full MHA correct?


Correct. A converted course is defined as a course that a school previously offered as resident (in-person) training prior to March 1, 2020, but was offered online due to COVID-19. Additionally, only programs previously approved by the SAA prior to March 1, 2020, were able to be ‘converted’ and certified as resident when taken online. Courses that are offered online that were not converted due to COVID-19 should be certified as distance training.


Just to confirm - if a student is only in residential courses as of June 1 - do we need to submit a revision to the enrollment?


If you certified a term or enrollment period that Spans June 1, 2022, that included converted courses (i.e., a resident course that was converted to online and was certified as resident) you must follow the steps in the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website to adjust the certification.

If the student was only attending resident (in-person) courses and no converted courses were certified you do not need to adjust the certification as there is no change to report.


So , for our summer certs that go through the 6/1 date, do we have to recertify if our school is already back to normal offerings and have been?


If you certified a term or enrollment period that Spans June 1, 2022, that included converted courses (i.e., a resident course that was converted to online and was certified as resident) you must follow the steps in the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website to adjust the certification.

If the student was only attending resident (in-person) courses and no converted courses were certified you do not need to adjust the certification as there is no change to report.


If we have a student that is 2 weeks from graduation. How can that student be affected?

  • How will the Tuition and fees be affected for active students wishing to continue?

  • Would we need to return any/all funds to the VA?

  • When the students are terminated in VA Once and the T&F have been fully paid,

would that generate a VA debt letter? If so who would be responsible for that?


The answer varies depending on how your school is approved by the State Approving Agency (SAA).

If your school or program is NOT approved by the SAA for online training and the program is still being taught online after June 1, 2022:

  • Your VA students are only eligible for VA educational assistance through the end of the period certified or through June 30, 2022, whichever occurs first. 
  • After the end of the period certified or June 30, 2022 (whichever comes first) the monthly payment to the student will no longer be payable regardless of the chapter the student is using.
  • For Chapter 33 students: A prorated tuition and fee debt for the remaining enrollment period will be created on the school.
  • No further certifications can be submitted for any VA student unless your school or program returns to resident (in-person) training.
  • You should reach out to your State Approving Agency as the program is no longer approvable if it continues to be taught in an online modality.

If your school or program IS approved by the SAA for online training, please refer to the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website for how to properly adjust the certification.


If a student takes atleast one resident hour course along with a few distance hour courses (non-COVID converted courses), will they still receive MHA at the resident rate?


Yes. If a VA student is enrolled in at least one in resident (in-person) course during the term they are entitled to the higher resident monthly housing rate (MHA) even if all other courses that term are taken online. Additionally, hybrid courses are certified as resident as long as the course meets at least one time on campus during the term. Both policies are normal pre-COVID policies


I just want to clarify - for an IHL which is APPROVED for both in-residence AND online training, for students taking courses spanning June 1, can you please clarify if their in-residence MHA will end at the end of June or the end of the training period? We have students who are in an enrollment period of May 2 through August 17. What should they expect? Do we have to adjust them even if there are no changes to their training time?


Yes, you must still submit an adjustment for any student who was certified in converted courses during a term or enrollment period that spans June 1, 2022, even if their rate of pursuit and payment are not affected.

If your institution is approved by the State Approving Agency for online training and the student is enrolled in solely online courses:

  • Currently enrolled students in enrollment periods spanning June 1, 222, will continue to be paid the higher resident (in-person) rate through the end of the enrollment period certified or through June 30, 2022, whichever occurs first.
  • If the enrollment period runs from May 2 through August 17, the student will receive the resident (in-person) rate through June 30, 2022. The lower online rate, which is half the national average, will be paid for training from July 1, 2022, through August 17, 2022.
  • Students enrolling in courses that begin after June 1, 2022, who are training solely online will receive the lower online rate for all their training.

NOTE: A VA student enrolled in at least one resident (in person) course during a term is entitled to the higher resident rate even if all other courses that term are taken online. Additionally, hybrid courses are certified as resident as long as the course meets at least one time on campus during the term.


Just so I understand, we do not need to adjust Covid provisions for a term that started in January and ends 6/6.


You must adjust or terminate (as applicable) any certification where converted courses were certified and the term or enrollment period certified spans June 1, 2022.  What you will submit (adjustment or termination) varies depending on if your school or program is approved for online training by the State Approving Agency.  Please see the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website for specific instructions for your school and program type.


We are a Hybrid school; do I still need to do a COVID rollback certification?


VA does not recognize the term “hybrid school.”  All certifications that included converted courses for an enrollment period that spans June 1, 2022, must be adjusted regardless of the type of school. Please see the updated FAQs on the GI Bill® website for specific instructions for your type of school and program.


What is the time frame to have certifications updated for the 6/1 notations? 


While there is no deadline, other than the normal 30-day requirement for changes, timely corrected COVID-19 certifications will assist with payment processing accuracy and reduce overpayments. To avoid debts SCOs should strive to have COVID-19 related adjustments submitted before the end of June so that June payment amounts released for MHA are correct.


Would there be any way for an NCD school to be approved for a hybrid modality?


Most NCD schools are not able to be approved for online training.  You should reach out to the State Approving Agency if you have questions. 

Section 1010 & Remote Act's Impact on Flat Rate Facilities


For IHLs with flat rate tuition, we already would submit an adjustment if someone dropped or exceeded the 12-18 credit rate. When we submit the initial certification it already includes tuition and fees, so keeping this two certification requirement means if someone changes their schedule after the 30 day deadline from the start of the term, we would have already submitted two certifications, and now we have to submit a third one.


If the student makes enrollment changes, they are reported in the usual fashion using an adjusted certification. This adjusted certification satisfies the dual certification requirement if it is submitted after the school’s drop-add period, but no later than 30 days after the end of the school’s drop-add period.

For schools that do not have a drop/add period, the two-certification requirement is met if the adjusted certification is submitted no less than 30 and no more than 60 days after the term or enrollment period begins.

Unfortunately, if the second (verification) certification has already been submitted and a student subsequently makes changes, a third submission is required.


We are a flat rate school. To be clear we are now required to submit a second certification for all our students at the end of our determined add/drop period? Is this true even if we do not allow student to drop below full-time enrollment?


Yes. All schools, including those that have flat-rate tuition and fee charges must submit a second (verification) certification after the school’s drop-add period, but no later than 30 days after the end of the school’s drop-add period.


If we charge $76 per credit hour up to 16 credits but anything over 16 hours, is charged at the 16 hour rate, does that mean we are aa flat-rate school? For Ex. 16 credit hours, we charge $1231. 22 credit hours - also $1231.


No, this does not constitute a flat-rate tuition and fee structure.  Flat-rate tuition and fees structure is defined as follows: 

1) Institutes of Higher Learning (IHL) that charge students one price for taking a block of courses defined by a minimum and maximum number of credits. Typically, the minimum and maximum are considered full-time attendance – 12 to 18 credit hours.

2) Non-College Degree (NCD) programs that charge a flat rate for a program, regardless of how long it takes the student to complete the program.

3) Programs that charge an all-inclusive flat fee for each enrollment period.


We have nothing in place to stop a veteran from leaving our program at any time before completion.  If they choose to leave, don't we submit a change in status to reflect their termination?  I'm not fully understanding the "second certification" requirement.  My school is NCD, terms are 2 months each and it's a flat rate.  I should also say, it happened once and we were billed for the tuition that had to be returned.


The second (verification) cert is required by law to verify continued enrollment for the student to help reduce or eliminate overpayments. If there are no enrollment changes to report, the second (verification) certification should be submitted as an amended cert with no changes made.

This amended certification satisfies the dual certification requirement if it is submitted after the school’s drop-add period, but no later than 30 days after the end of the school’s drop-add period.  Or, for schools that do not have a drop/add period, the second (verification) certification requirement is met if the amended certification is submitted no less than 30 and no more than 60 days after the term or enrollment period begins.

If a student discontinues training you must terminate their certification. A terminated certification satisfies the second (verification) certification requirement under Section 1010.

Please note that effective 1/5/21, all tuition and fee debts created are placed on the school.  This legislative change is known as Section 1019 of the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 (Public Law 116-315).


The reason for not granting a waiver of dual certification does not make ANY SENSE.  SCO's have always been required to submit enrollment, tuition and fee changes at anytime there is a change, so keeping this extra burden on SCO's is counterproductive with all the work we do.  We are not just sitting here waiting for things to do.  We work extra hours making sure that our students are certified, recertified, so they can get what they are entitled to.  Furthermore, students can still withdraw even after the drop deadline, thus causing an overpayment debt.   Please reconsider this! 

Why not grant any waivers after Congress added that provision in the Technical Amendment? This section of the law was asked for by schools and Congress worked us to add this section. I don’t understand why VA doesn’t work with schools in the same way that Congress is willing to.

If a flat rate school has reports that catch changes to students' enrollment, why would the VA not allow a waiver to the dual certification for the students whose enrollment hasn't changed either in total RES and total DIST credits, but also the total TF charged?


Public Law 116-315 established the requirement for educational institutions to submit a second (verification) certification of enrollment after the drop/add period. The intent of the law is to reduce student overpayments by requiring additional reporting from the school; the student verification process is included for the same purpose. After analyzing numerous certification scenarios VA determined there were no instances where the second (verification) certification was unnecessary. Therefore, a waiver of the two-certification requirement could not be justified.


The issue with the dual cert and flat rate tuition, is not the dual certification it is the 30 day window.  We  have had many issues with students in which we had to report an FW (fail without official withdraw) after the first part of the term ended.  At the time students were enrolled in courses that put the student at full time, but later either were dropped for non-attendance, disqualified for meeting prerequisites, or drop the class which resulted in a change to the tuition rate.  We had to recertify students again, which created a subsequent payment and a call to the SCO hotline to send to corrections because now we have too much money, no matter what free comments were put into VAOnce regarding we are resubmitting due to restructuring of tuition and fees.  This is causing too much duplication of work for all.  There is no argument that a dual certification is important, it is the 30 day window that I do not feel anybody has looked at.


The second (verification) certification must be submitted after the school’s drop-add period, but no later than 30 days after the end of the school’s drop-add period.  If a student subsequently makes changes to their enrollment after the verification certification has been submitted the SCO must submit that adjusted certification at the time the change occurs.

If a student makes a change to their enrollment their term should not be recertified, as that duplicate certification will cause tuition and fees to be released again. The original certification should be adjusted to report the change in enrollment.

The only instance when a term should be recertified is if the term has been erroneously terminated in VA-ONCE.  When the SCO submits the recertification they must choose the standard VBA remark “Correcting previously terminated enrollment.  Notice of Change in Student Status(s) to follow.”  Including this remark on a recertification should ensure that tuition and fees are not released again.


Regarding dual cert for NCD programs - shouldn't the 2nd cert be more than 30 days for an NCD program that lasts, say, 9 months long, if the intent is to ensure attendance?


For schools that do not have a drop/add period, the dual certification requirement is met if they submit the adjusted certification no less than 30 and no more than 60 days after the term or enrollment period begins.  The student must also verify their enrolment status each month to continue receiving their Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) and/or kicker payments.


When we certify a 2nd time in a term and there are no changes to make, is that a new certification?


No, you should not submit a new certification as that may cause a duplicate tuition and fee payment to be released.

If there are no changes to report, the second (verification) certification is an amended cert in VA-ONCE. This should be done by amending the initial enrollment certification, making no changes (unless T&F need to be added), and submitting the cert through VA-ONCE.  Comments or remarks should be avoided on these “unchanged” amendments to allow the greatest likelihood of automation by VA. Step-by-step directions were provided in several previous Office Hours that can be accessed on the GI Bill website.


Just confirming ... dual certification is only for CH 33 and CHYR? 


Correct Section 1010 two enrollment certification procedures only apply to students receiving Chapter 33 benefits (including STEM).  


Does 2 certification process mean: complete the student enrollment certification before the term starts, with $0 tuition and fees. Then, after the drop/add period ends, amend (adjust?) the certification to add the tuition and fees and resubmit?


Dual certification refers to submitting the initial certification before the term begins with zero tuition and fees and then subsequently submitting an amended certification to provide the tuition and fees once they are known.  Dual certification is optional and there is no requirement that the tuition and fees be submitted within any time constraints. Dual certification is simply an allowable way for a school to certify before the start of the term even the tuition and fees are not known at the time of certification.

The two-certification process is a requirement under Section 1010 for Chapter 33 certifications.  Section 1010 requires that schools submit an initial certification and then a second (verification) certification after the school’s drop-add period, but no later than 30 days after the end of the school’s drop-add period. The second (verification) certification is required even if tuition and fees were reported on the initial certification. If the student has made no changes in their enrollment and tuition and fees were already reported the second (verification) certification is an amended cert with no changes made and no remarks needed.

Schools who utilize dual certification also satisfy the two-certification requirement under Section 1010 if the amended certification providing the tuition and fees is submitted after the school’s drop-add period, but no later than 30 days after the end of the school’s drop-add period.

Likewise, if enrollment changes a student makes are submitted by the school after the school’s drop-add period, but no later than 30 days after the end of the school’s drop-add period the two-certification requirement under Section 1010 is also met.


At City College of San Francisco we do a lot of adjustments, Amend and Termination. Would that be consider a second enrollment certification?


 If an amended or adjusted certification based on enrollment changes a student has made is submitted by the school after the school’s drop-add period, but no later than 30 days after the end of the school’s drop-add period the two-certification requirement under Section 1010 has been met A termination satisfies the two-certification requirement if is submitted at any point after the initial enrollment but prior to the due date of the second (verification) certification. 


I do not have an add/drop period- NCD.  I also do not certify enrollment until student has started classes. Please advise best practices for two enrollment certification.


 For schools that do not have a drop/add period, the second (verification) certification must be submitted no less than 30 and no more than 60 days after the term or enrollment period begins.   


Is the dual certification causing delays in payments?


 If done correctly the two-certification requirement should not affect the timeliness of payments. If there are no enrollment changes to report the second (verification) certification should be submitted as an amended cert and comments or remarks should be avoided (unless necessary) on these “unchanged” amendments to allow the greatest likelihood of automation by VA. Remarks may off ramp the certification and slow down processing causing delays in payment.


Do you have to create a new certification when doing a duel certification after the add and drop period?


No, a new certification should not be created and may cause duplicate tuition and fees to be released. If there are no changes to report, the second (verification) certification is an amended cert in VA-ONCE. This should be done by amending the initial enrollment certification, making no changes (unless T&F need to be added), and submitting the cert through VA-ONCE.  Comments or remarks should be avoided on these “unchanged” amendments to allow the greatest likelihood of automation by VA. Step-by-step directions were provided in several previous Office Hours that can be accessed on the GI Bill website.


Do I still need to certify twice if I do not certify until after the drop/add date?


Yes you must still submit the second (verification) certification to satisfy Section 1010 requirements.


I'm not clear on the purpose of the duplicate certification for Chapter 33 students who have no changes, it seems like extra work for no benefit. Is there reasoning behind that decision available somewhere?


The intent of the law is to reduce student overpayments by requiring additional reporting from the school; the student verification process is included for the same purpose.


We are an NCD clock hour school, our students only take one class at a time; those classes are either 4 or 8 weeks long.  We do charge tuition by the term (every 4 months) but we only certify 1 class at a time in VA Once. Does the fact that we certify class by class as the student attends, satisfy the Section 1010 2 cert requirement?


No, that does not satisfy the two-certification requirement under Section 1010. Your school is still required to submit the second (verification) certification to meet Stion 1010 requirements.


Our Spring semester started January 31, 2022. The double cert impacted dozens of students from receiving their BAH on time due to calendar add/drop, and some students were held up for 10 days.


If done correctly the two-certification requirement should not affect the timeliness of payments. If there are no enrollment changes to report the second (verification) certification should be submitted as an amended cert and comments or remarks should be avoided (unless necessary) on these “unchanged” amendments to allow the greatest likelihood of automation by VA. Remarks may off ramp the certification and slow down processing causing delays in payment.

SCO Resources - Sunset of Internet Explorer


Should the EDGE search bar be used to access VA-ONCE or the Internet Explorer feature in the top right corner of the browser window?


If you have followed the directions for using Edge in IE mode, when you enter the address in the EDGE search bar, the IE symbol will appear to the left of the address.

You can also use the icon, but it is not necessary to click it each time, if you have followed the directions that have been distributed.


I am not able to complete multiple certifications while using VA ONCE in Microsoft Edge.  Any suggestions?


You must be using Edge in Internet Explorer mode for VA-ONCE to be fully functional. If you are using it in IE mode, you can do multiple certifications.