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Parents Dependency and Indemnity Compensation - Effective 12/1/05


Go to our How to Read Parents DIC Rate Tables to find out how to use these rate tables

4.1% Cost-of-Living Increase Effective 12/1/2005

Chart 1: Sole Surviving Parent Unremarried or Remarried Living with Spouse
Chart 2: One of Two Parents Not Living with Spouse
Chart 3: One of Two Parents Living with Spouse or Other Parent

Chart 1

Sole Surviving Parent Unremarried or Remarried Living with Spouse

Income Not Over Monthly Rate Each $1 Decrement
$800 $507 None
900 499 .08
1,000 491 .08
1,100 483 .08
1,200 475 .08
1,300 467 .08
1,400 459 .08
1,500 451 .08
1,600 443 .08
1,700 435 .08
1,800 427 .08
1,900 419 .08
2,000 411 .08
2,100 403 .08
2,200 395 .08
2,300 387 .08
2,400 379 .08
2,500 371 .08
2,600 363 .08
2,700 355 .08
2,800 347 .08
2,900 339 .08
3,000 331 .08
3,100 323 .08
3,200 315 .08
3,300 307 .08
3,400 299 .08
3,500 291 .08
3,600 283 .08
3,700 275 .08
3,800 267 .08
3,900 259 .08
4,000 251 .08
4,100 243 .08
4,200 235 .08
4,300 227 .08
4,400 219 .08
4,500 211 .08
4,600 203 .08
4,700 195 .08
4,800 187 .08
4,900 179 .08
5,000 171 .08
5,100 163 .08
5,200 155 .08
5,300 147 .08
5,400 139 .08
5,500 131 .08
5,600 123 .08
5,700 115 .08
5,800 107 .08
5,900 99 .08
6,000 91 .08
6,100 83 .08
6,200 75 .08
6,300 67 .08
6,400 59 .08
6,500 51 .08
6,600 43 .08
6,700 35 .08
6,800 27 .08
6,900 19 .08
7,000 11 .08
7,074 5.08 .08
7,075 to ** 5 None

If entitled to Aid & Attendance allowance add $274 to the monthly rate.

**If living with spouse: $ 16,176
If not living with spouse: $ 12,034

Chart 2

One of Two Parents Not Living with Spouse

Income Not Over Monthly Rate Each $1 Decrement
$800 $367 None
900 361 .06
1,000 354 .07
1,100 347 .07
1,200 339 .08
1,300 331 .08
1,400 323 .08
1,500 315 .08
1,600 307 .08
1,700 299 .08
1,800 291 .08
1,900 283 .08
2,000 275 .08
2,100 267 .08
2,200 259 .08
2,300 251 .08
2,400 243 .08
2,500 235 .08
2,600 227 .08
2,700 219 .08
2,800 211 .08
2,900 203 .08
3,000 195 .08
3,100 187 .08
3,200 179 .08
3,300 171 .08
3,400 163 .08
3,500 155 .08
3,600 147 .08
3,700 139 .08
3,800 131 .08
3,900 123 .08
4,000 115 .08
4,100 107 .08
4,200 99 .08
4,300 91 .08
4,400 83 .08
4,500 75 .08
4,600 67 .08
4,700 59 .08
4,800 51 .08
4,900 43 .08
5,000 35 .08
5,100 27 .08
5,200 19 .08
5,300 11 .08
5,374 5.08 .08
5,375 to 12,034 5 None

If entitled to Aid & Attendance allowance add $274 to the monthly rate.

Chart 3

One of Two Parents Living with Spouse or Other Parent

Income Not Over Monthly Rate Each $1 Decrement
$1,000 $344 None
1,100 341 .03
1,200 338 .03
1,300 335 .03
1,400 332 .03
1,500 329 .03
1,600 325 .04
1,700 321 .04
1,800 317 .04
1,900 313 .04
2,000 308 .05
2,100 303 .05
2,200 298 .05
2,300 293 .05
2,400 288 .05
2,500 282 .06
2,600 276 .06
2,700 270 .06
2,800 264 .06
2,900 258 .06
3,000 251 .07
3,100 244 .07
3,200 237 .07
3,300 229 .08
3,400 221 .08
3,500 213 .08
3,600 205 .08
3,700 197 .08
3,800 189 .08
3,900 181 .08
4,000 173 .08
4,100 165 .08
4,200 157 .08
4,300 149 .08
4,400 141 .08
4,500 133 .08
4,600 125 .08
4,700 117 .08
4,800 109 .08
4,900 101 .08
5,000 93 .08
5,100 85 .08
5,200 77 .08
5,300 69 .08
5,400 61 .08
5,500 53 .08
5,600 45 .08
5,700 37 .08
5,800 29 .08
5,900 21 .08
6,000 13 .08
6,100 to 16,176 5 None

If entitled to Aid & Attendance allowance add $274 to the monthly rate.

Historical Rate Tables

2010-2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999